Big Secrets

The biggest secret of particularly green-thumbed gardeners is their focus on meeting the six most critical needs of every vegetable garden plant: 1) immense amounts of direct sunlight; 2) incredibly rich, loose soil; 3) moderate soil moisture; 4) the correct growing temperature; 5) proper spacing and a beneficial garden layout; and 6) companion planting. Focusing on meeting their plants' needs allows gardeners to grow incredibly healthy, productive plants that practically take care of themselves and have no need for chemicals or, in many cases, even their organic substitutes.

Immense Amounts of Sunlight

Our garden plants need more than we often think. Learn why and how to site your garden to give them the ideal amount.

Incredibly Rich, Loose Soil

Perfect soil is a gardener's dream, but few of us start with it. We build it. Great gardeners grow soil. Healthy plants are their reward. Learn the five characteristics of perfect soil, the dramatic lessons inherent in the true depth and breadth of our plants' roots, and how to grow your own ideal garden soil.

Moderate Soil Moisture

Giving garden plants the right amount of water is essential but can also be easy. Learn the secrets to giving them what they need and using nature's help and a few simply tricks to make it easy and incredibly efficient.

Ideal Growing Temperature

Our plants fall into two main groups: cool-season plants and warm-season plants. Learn how to plant each at the best time for your best windows of their ideal growing temperatures.

Proper Spacing & Beneficial Layout

Proper plant spacing and a garden layout that helps meet plants' needs have a dramatic effects plant health and production and long-term soil health. Learn how to conserve water, keep soil loose, and keep plants healthy through thoughtful design, layout, and spacing.

Companion Planting

Every plant has preferences for which plants grow near it. Learn which plants thrive next to each other, which ones makes strong teams of three or four, and even how to use companion planting to dissuade pests.

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Dive into our blog for the deeper details and full explanations behind the headings, annotations, and blurbs..

Planting Times

Planting Times In terms of their preferred, and in some cases required, growing temperature, plants fall into two main groups: cool-season plants and warm-season plants.  Cool-Season Because cool-season plants can take a light frost but Read more…

Frost Dates

Finding Your Last Frost Date To find your specific, local average last frost date in the spring, you can click on any of the links below. Each will take you to a page with resources Read more…

Gardening Can Be Easy

Gardening Can Be Easy Gardening Can Seem Hard Gardening can seem hard. I know. Every time I try to teach someone about a piece of it, I’m reminded how complicated it can be. It seems Read more…

Straw vs. Hay

How to Tell the Difference between Straw and Hay and Why It Matters People often ask about the differences between straw and hay and which is better for mulching a vegetable garden. Here’s a simple Read more…